HTML — cheatsheet

HTML — cheatsheet

Document Outline, Page Information, Document Structure, Links, Text Markup, List, Images, Comments, Forms, Objects, Tables, Common Character.

Document Outline

<DOCTYPE> → Version of (X)HTML

<html> → HTML Document

<head> → Page Information

<body> → Page contents

Page Information

<title> → Title

<style> → Style resources

<script> → Script resources

<link /> → Relevant resources

<base /> → Base URL

<meta /> → Meta data

Document Structure

<h(1-6)> → Heading (1–6)

<div> → Page section

<span> → Inline Section

<p> → Paragraph

<br /> → Line break

<hr /> → Horizontal rule

<a href=""> → Page link

<a href="mailto:"> → E-Mail link

<a name="name"> → Anchor

<a href="#name"> → Link to anchor

Text Markup

<strong> → Strong emphasis

<em> → Emphasis

<blockquote> → Long quotation

<q> → Short quotation

<abbr> → Abbreviation

<acronym> → Acronym

<address> → Address

<pre> → Pre-formated text

<dfn> → Definition

<code> → Code

<cite> → Citation

<del> → Deleted text

<ins> → Inserted text

<sub> → Subscript

<sup> → Superscript

<bdo> → Text direction


<ol> → Ordered list

<ul> → Unordered list

<li> → List item

<dl> → Definition list

<dt> → Definition term

<dd> → Term description


<img /> → Image

<map> → Image map

<area /> → Area of image map


<!--comment text --> Comment text


<form> → Form

<fieldset> → Collection of fields

<legend> → Form legend

<label> : → Input label

<input /> → Form input

<select> → Drop-down box

<optgroup> → Group of options

<option> → Drop-down options

<textarea> → Large text input

<button> → Button


<object> → Object

<param /> → Parameter


<table> → Table

<caption> → Caption

<thead> → Table header

<tbody> → Tabel body

<tfoot> → Table footer

<colgroup> → Column group

<col /> → Column

<tr> → Table row

<th> → Header cell

<td> → Table cell

Common Character and Entities

&#34" Quotational mark

&#38& Ampersand

&#60< Less than

&#62> Greater than

&#64@ “At” symbol

&#128 Small bullet

&#149 → Non-breaking space

&#153 Euro

&#160™️ Trademark

&#163 Pound

&#169© Copyright symbol

#HTML #Cheatsheet #Tutorial #WebDev